Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice (1992) - Synopsis - Movie

Synopsis: The compassionate residents of Hemingford discover the bodies of the Gatlin massacre, and adopt the traumatized survivors of the tragedy. Among the journalists who flock to the scene of the grisly discovery is a reporter eager to get a scoop. His teenage son, with whom he has a strained relationship, becomes an easy target for Los Chicos del Maiz, who continue to attract new members to their diabolical cult. Meanwhile, adults disappear or die in horrific accidents. An uncontrollable hysteria grips the city. Something far beyond human understanding is happening...

Title Original: Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice 

Release: 1992-01-29 

Genre: Horror 

Terence Knox, Paul Scherrer, Ryan Bollman, Christie Clark, Rosalind Allen, Ned Romero, Ed Grady


¿Qué es el cambio climático?

El cambio climático se refiere a los cambios a largo plazo de las temperaturas y los patrones climáticos. Estos cambios pueden ser naturales...